Advanced Energy-Storage Research Laboratory

 The electrification of automobiles is rapidly moving forward. In just the year 2019 alone, more than two million electric vehicles were sold around the world. The demand for stationary power batteries to store surplus electricity from solar power is growing rapidly, even for use in ordinary households. The batteries used to power electric vehicles are lithium-ion batteries, so there is a growing need for improvements to make them perform better with lower cost.

 Through industry-university-government cooperation, the Advanced Energy-Storage Research Laboratory conducts research aimed at developing high-performance, low-cost Li-ion batteries that do not depend on the non-abundant metal elements, like cobalt and nickel, which are used in existing Li-ion batteries. It is also researching new energy storage materials for use in electrochemical capacitors, which make rapid charging and discharging possible. Further still, the Laboratory is conducting research into next-generation energy storage batteries that do not use even lithium. These research activities are carried out with the aim of making our future society a sustainable one.

Member: Advanced Energy-Storage Research Laboratory

Title Name Researchers Lab website
(Director of Laboratory)
Professor Satoshi INAGAKI
Professor Kaoru DOKKO
Associate Professor Kazuhide UENO
Assistant Professor Yosuke UGATA
IAS Assistant Professor Benoit CAMPEON
IAS Assistant Professor ZHANG Xinrui
IAS Researcher ZHANG Yanjia
Senior Distinguished Professor Masayoshi WATANABE


Oct 01, 2020 The Advanced Chemical Energy Research Center opened

Apr 14, 2020 Associate Professor Ueno given the Young Scientists’ Award by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Mar 27, 2020 Research team led by Professor Yabuuchi published a paper on high energy density battery materials

Mar 18, 2020 Specially Appointed Professor Watanabe, Professor Dokko, and Associate Professor Ueno given awards for paper authorship by the Electrochemical Society of Japan

Mar 06, 2020 Specially Appointed Professor Watanabe named Electrochemical Society of Japan Fellow